Musical Memories has 10 years of experience in the areas of
Wedding Receptions, Holiday Parties, Private Parties and Picnics.

Musical Memories has state of the art sound equipment.
Bringing you outstanding sound quality.

Musical Memories is very strong in 50's, 60,s, 70's & Country Music.
We have a large selection of all types of music. We firmly believe
that it is better to turn down a job, than to take on a job that we
feel isn't right for us and the client.

Musical Memories has been built from referrals.
A referral is the best compliment you can give a company!
That in it's self says a lot about Musical Memories.

Give Musical Memories the opportunity to prove our ability
at your next function, you'll be glad you did!

Sample Song List

Keep in mind that this is just a small sample
of the thousands of songs in our music library.
If you don't see the song you want, just ask,
chances are that we have it.

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